Mission Bridge – Project Update Mid August

The City has asked that we share an update with you on the Mission Bridge Rehabilitation project.

The next phase of work on Mission Bridge is planned to start in mid-August. We will be switching the lane closure on the bridge from the west side lane to the east lane on the weekend of Aug. 17/18.

Mission Bridge will be closed to all vehicle traffic from 9 p.m. on Saturday, August 18 to 5 a.m. Monday, Aug. 19 to accommodate the movement of fencing, materials, traffic controls, etc. to the east side of the bridge and enable the next phase of the bridge rehabilitation. Pedestrians and wheeling users can access the bridge during the closure on the east side pathway.

Detours and signage will be in place to notify drivers. Drivers heading southbound can detour by heading eastbound on 25 Avenue S.W. and turning southbound on Macleod Trail. Drivers heading northbound can access Macleod Trail from Mission Road S.W., turning westbound on 25 Avenue S.W. 

This next phase will also allow ENMAX to begin their work, which includes repairs to the manhole located on the north end of the work area. A new duct bank (a collection of buried electric utilities protected by concrete encasement) will also be installed to interface with the bridge work. Work is expected to take about eight weeks, with 26 Avenue closed to traffic at the intersection with 4 Street for the duration of time.

Detour and closure maps are attached for your reference and can also be found on the project page which will be updated shortly, incorporated into the social media content and in the newsletter

Mid-Fall Long-Term Closure

As a reminder, the full Mission Bridge closure is planned for mid-Fall and is anticipated to last about six months. The full closure includes some sidewalk reductions, but pedestrians can continue to use the bridge throughout construction. People cycling through the area must dismount to cross the bridge. We will keep you and the community updated as the project progresses.

Attachments – Mission Bridge full closure map, Mission Bridge full closure detour map, and 26th Avenue closure map