West Elbow Communities Local Area Plan – Heritage Guidelines Implementation Guide

The Heritage Guidelines Implementation Guide is now available, and can be found on the project website here under Links and Resources. The sketches will be watercoloured in the coming weeks. This Guide demonstrates the various ways that new development can respond to existing heritage assets in Heritage Guideline Areas. The images depict how developments could look across the Heritage Guideline Areas, but are meant to be examples only. The Heritage Guidelines will provide general guidance for development and are not meant to prescribe architectural styles. 

Once complete, the Implementation Guide will assist community members, builders, and City staff to interpret and apply the Heritage Guidelines. It is meant to be easy to read and use graphics to assist with interpretation.  

The project team will also be holding Conversation Series sessions on February 25 and March 3, where you can speak with the team in-person to ask questions, and address thoughts and concerns. Click here to register for a session. 

Please sign up here to receive email updates, where you will be notified of the upcoming Committee date, and other project updates.